1. 於上述指定報名期間,考生可在普通話天地的網站上報名或者填妥在網站下載的報名表並透過郵寄方式遞交。
During the above-mentioned designated registration period, candidates can register on the website of Mandarin Speaking Club Limited or fill in the registration form downloaded from the website and submit it by post.
(i) 已填妥的報名表格
Completed registration form
(ii) 劃線支票 (抬頭請寫 : 普通話天地有限公司)
Crossed cheque (Please write: Mandarin Speaking Club Limited)
2. 若報名資料不齊全或資料有誤,本公司有權不接納申請。
If the registration information is incomplete or the information is incorrect, we have the right not to accept the application.
3. 請確保已支付足夠郵資。寄件人須自行承擔因未有支付足夠郵資而引致的任何後果。
Please make sure you have paid enough postage. The sender is responsible for any consequences arising from the failure to pay sufficient postage.
4. 郵寄的報名表按郵戳日期為準,任何因郵道延誤或遺失,而導致未能在截止日期前收到報名表及報名費而使考生未能參加該次考試,本公司恕不負責。
The mailing registration form is subject to the postmark date. Any delay or loss of the postal order will result in the failure to accept the registration form and registration fee before the deadline, and we will not be responsible for the examination.
5. 所有已繳交的費用概不發還,亦不可轉讓他人或轉作其他考試或其他用途。
All paid fees will not be refunded and cannot be transferred or converted to other tests or other purposes.
考試場地 Examination Venue:
1. 考試一般設在YMCA辦事處或學校禮堂或課室舉行,確實的考試地點將於准考證內公佈。
The examination is generally located in the YMCA office or school hall or classroom, the exact location of the test will be announced in the admission ticket.
2. 所有考生的家長或監護人需於考試開始前及完結後自行接送年幼考生往返試場。
All candidates' parents or guardians are required to pick up the candidates to and from the test site before and after the test.
3. 若年幼考生決定提早離開試場,考生須自行聯絡家長或監護人到試場接送。監考人員會視乎實際情況而作出相應協助。
If the young candidate decides to leave earlier, the candidate must contact the parent or guardian to pick up the test. The invigilator will assist accordingly depending on the actual situation.